Nothing is known. Her subtle body slightly contracts as the foreign smells and sounds put her adrenals on high alert. Anything could be a potential threat...or so her reptilian brain tries to convince her.
The sun is low in the horizon - she must have slept most the day away after arriving in the dead of night at the little Shanti Oasis in the heart of Bangkok. Her will is ready to get this party started, but her mind is still somewhere over the Pacific.
A Thai massage. That is what is needed.
She walks, sensed overwhelmed, to Koh San Road. Its not what she expected, though she wasn't aware she was expecting something. It's just like all the other backpacker roads she's seen - Mexico, Puerto Rico and New Jersey. Junky trinkets costing twice as much as they're really worth. Here its flowery dresses, poorly made jewelry and Buddha statues. As well as, "Get your hair dread locked" stations, fire spinning tools and the women in cartoon versions of traditional costumes selling little percussive wooden frogs.
The frogs are following her. Every time she turns a corner, there they are with their staccato pulse. RRRRRtttttt...RRRttt.
They invoke memories. Even here he haunts her. Is there no place she can go where she is not reminded of his presence?! He's like a ghost in her heart that will not be exorcised. 9000 miles and still no peace. It really is true - where ever you go, there you are.
She finds nourishment from fresh papaya at Kaidee's vegetarian restaurant. Then looks for her massage.
This journey is one of the soul...its about finding her heart again and listening to her inner guide. So she follows her intuition down an alley, to a brothel-like massage parlor and gets ripped off...twice. Perhaps her guides are still over the Pacific as well.
This too must be seen as an opportunity...but she's too tired to contemplate it.
Maybe protein will help, after all she's been fasting for 2 days as it was purported to help with jet lag. So far she's not convinced. From a street vendor she orders a pancake with egg, choosing to skip the canned condensed milk topping. The 1000 armed cook provides great entertainment with his speedy preparation.

The next day, alone in her room, she gets up and ventures back out into the exotic land. She erupts in a delightful cascade of giggles when she stumbles into the wonders of the early morning Thai food market. There's not a trinket or Farang in sight. Instead, its the most delectable array of life giving substances, most of which are entirely unrecognizable to her. It's all fresh, and green...and sometimes brown and red. There is something steamed in a banana leaf and it's only 5 baht (less than 10 cents) so she investigates. Banana and sticky rice. YUM!
Further down she finds the meat section - slabs of pork, strange fish in glass pots, dead frogs, and intestines. Repulsed by the smell. KAPOW! Her soul shows up, and the outer layers of her being begin to unwind.
Now THIS...this was her unrecognized expectation. In the midst of animal flesh she finds the passion, richness and the realness of life that had eluded her in the sterile sadness possessing her soul after the dissolution of a relationship she had unconsciously attached her dreams to. Here, in a tight alley, filled with life, death and exuberant barter, the void of aloneness begins to fill her up. Alive and juicy, she arrives.
And the adventure begins...
or rather begins again.
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