Commitment will set you free? But to what are you committed? Or rather, to what am I committed?
My self...with a small s? That's isolating.
My ego agenda? That's simply frustrating.
Perhaps today's message is to commit (with a degree of focus and discipline) to the shining of the soul. It's been a long, dark winter sitting in the shadows of my darkness.
Ostra says "start a new project." The I-Ching says "your almost complete, but want these last few steps.".
Last night the great horned owl had a message for me. The owl is tricky medicine - some fear it because of it's association with darkness, which is associated with the death, the myserious and the feminine. The owl sees what is hidden, which makes most people uncomfortable. We have a million and one strategies to hide our shameful secrets and inappropriate insecurities. But the owl sees right through them to the truth of who you are...shadow and light.
The thing is...
We also try to hide our light. We shrink from our divinity.
Last night, the owl told me it could see that as well.
So What is almost complete is the dark night of the soul, that last several years of sitting in sadness, fear, anger and stuckness. The time when I refused to run away any longer, but instead stop, sit and see what happened.
I'm finding gold. The fertility that Ostara brings is the shining light of the the star that is seen only because it was held in the night sky.
Today is the day to commit to give birth to my light. To use my discipline to shine up any vibration that resonates at a level that is not helpful to the upliftment of the world. It is a time to start flying with the angels... and chase away the evil spirits.
Blessed be.
Medicine Path: Committment
Need commitment to focus on your target. Knowing you will hit the bull's ey with every shot. Requires your spiritual and physical being. You need only the commitment to walk down the path though the gateway into your true destiny. It is a process of gathering: your emotions, your mental strngth and your abilities. It can be a long process, but it gives you endurance. Materialize your dreams and begin to live them.
Tarot: 9 cups - Gain
Discipline, self-reliance, refinement.
Pursing a comfortable lifestyle, being tactful and diplomatic, seeking high-minded activities, remembering to be gracious, falling back on your own resources, reining in impulses, sacrificing to reach a goal, sticking to a program, taking a step-by-step approach.
Goddess Deck: Ostara
Fertility. German Goddess who flies around to have been the divinity of the radiant dawn, of upspringing light, a spectacle that brings joy and blessing, whose meaning could be easily adapted by the resurrection-day of the christian's God. Bonfires were lighted at Easter and according to popular belief of long standing, the moment the sun rises on Easter Sunday morning, he gives three joyful leaps, he dances for joy [...]. Water drawn on the Easter morning is, like that at Christmas, holy and healing [...];
Goddesses: Tou Mou
Cleanising, luck, charity, karma, history. She takes special notice of our actions and inactions today, keeping note on the karmic bank account. Part of water chase away evil spirits. Do something nice for elders today. Burn a green candle for prosperity.
IChing: 64 Nearing Completion
The situation is incomplete, but the chaos of the past is slowly giving way to order, and the goal is in sight. Nevertheless, you are still treading on thin ice — the way ahead is unobstructed, the goal is clear, but a cautious and careful attitude is essential, lest you slip and fall. Proceed carefully, cautiously and alertly — then you will reach your goal.
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