The poetry, musings and weirdness of a Goddess Warrior on a quest of Magick, Mystery and the Human Spirit. Armed with wisdom from gurus, mystics and rainbow spirits world-wide, as well as her own crocked and inspired experiences, she shares the trials and tribulations of awakening consciousness through day-to-day life.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
good conversation
The Yolk of Polite and Proper strangles what could otherwise be an interesting and erotic play of ideas and energies.
The Muse
Stepping out of the corner
I sang the song of myself
and all eyes turned.
Terrified, I shrunk
not wanting the responsibility
of what was inspired
or evoked
The ego works both ways
too big and
too small
Either way, it chokes the voice of God
Zorya says:
Listen to the whispers of your own heart
and roar through the cases of misperception.
I sang the song of myself
and all eyes turned.
Terrified, I shrunk
not wanting the responsibility
of what was inspired
or evoked
The ego works both ways
too big and
too small
Either way, it chokes the voice of God
Zorya says:
Listen to the whispers of your own heart
and roar through the cases of misperception.
I wake afraid
not sure what to do next
but wanting to get it right
There is not enough
and too much at the same time
So I breathe
and wait
Seems I've been waiting a long time...
Saying I can't
What if I could?
Then what?
What if everything I want is already there
hanging on the lowest branch waiting to be plucked?
What if God is my alley
and my heart the clear channel to receive
Turn it on and
Through the heart I touch the vibrancy of color
I hear the sound of melody
I sense the secret magic pregnant in each moment
The need to do something
be something
show something
melts away
and the corners of my spirit lift into a soft smile.
Lack and overwhelm is a trance cast by the head
Presence is something felt in the heart.
Zorya says:
When you wake each morning
Crack open your heart
and have IT for breakfast
not sure what to do next
but wanting to get it right
There is not enough
and too much at the same time
So I breathe
and wait
Seems I've been waiting a long time...
Saying I can't
What if I could?
Then what?
What if everything I want is already there
hanging on the lowest branch waiting to be plucked?
What if God is my alley
and my heart the clear channel to receive
Turn it on and
Through the heart I touch the vibrancy of color
I hear the sound of melody
I sense the secret magic pregnant in each moment
The need to do something
be something
show something
melts away
and the corners of my spirit lift into a soft smile.
Lack and overwhelm is a trance cast by the head
Presence is something felt in the heart.
Zorya says:
When you wake each morning
Crack open your heart
and have IT for breakfast
The frontline
We are born
and we die
In between we fill up our lives
not in distinct intervals
but in the fluid movements
between now and now
It is an ever changing
border held taught
between the face-paced whisper
of past and future
Easy to miss in the distractions of shoulds and oughts.
To live on the front line means to face the terrifying truth
The truth of your own fear, pain, joy and despair
Face its full potency head on and in the moment
And take responsibility for it.
Zorya says: Stand boldly on the edge of your own life
Keep pace with the spark of co-creation.
and we die
In between we fill up our lives
not in distinct intervals
but in the fluid movements
between now and now
It is an ever changing
border held taught
between the face-paced whisper
of past and future
Easy to miss in the distractions of shoulds and oughts.
To live on the front line means to face the terrifying truth
The truth of your own fear, pain, joy and despair
Face its full potency head on and in the moment
And take responsibility for it.
Zorya says: Stand boldly on the edge of your own life
Keep pace with the spark of co-creation.
The Illusion
Walking silently
she felt the warmth of his radiance
And mistaking it for something else
she wove him into the very fabric of her existence.
Until one day, he left
And with him her Joy.
They call it idolatry
replacing the love for God
with the love of a mortal
But spirit comes in many forms.
The maya was in believing he lived outside of her
When loving remember this sacred truth:
As above, so below
As within, so Without
Zorya says: Forget the form of your own projections
Simply love life.
she felt the warmth of his radiance
And mistaking it for something else
she wove him into the very fabric of her existence.
Until one day, he left
And with him her Joy.
They call it idolatry
replacing the love for God
with the love of a mortal
But spirit comes in many forms.
The maya was in believing he lived outside of her
When loving remember this sacred truth:
As above, so below
As within, so Without
Zorya says: Forget the form of your own projections
Simply love life.
Evening meditation
I wasn't enough
and he saw
I wasn't enough
and she saw
I wasn't enough
and they saw
Now its true
My own beliefs confirmed.
This is the voice of the personality.
Patanjali says, study the self
So Hum
So Hum
So Hum
That's so much more interesting.
Zorya says: remember who you truly are.
and he saw
I wasn't enough
and she saw
I wasn't enough
and they saw
Now its true
My own beliefs confirmed.
This is the voice of the personality.
Patanjali says, study the self
So Hum
So Hum
So Hum
That's so much more interesting.
Zorya says: remember who you truly are.
Dance of Intimacy
I want structure
What words will come out unrehearsed
will they reveal my soul
will i be embarrassed
You may see my underpants
and the judgments I try to hide
They say the light the dark no difference
yeah, but who's listening
You will surely see the dark
and the fears
and I will feel ashamed
MY Heart!
Listen to the heart.
My heart has sweetness
it is tender
like the soft flutter of a white moth's wings
The heart
pumping organ of blood
of light
of life
Weaving a million and one light beings
through the layers of my body
Little entities in their own right
sparkles and rainbows...and bubbles
Does that sound right?
Listen to the heart
It feels hard,
like a fist
There is sinew tightening around it
But it moves
It is breaking free
and underneath a softness
like the brush of the night owl's wings
The feathers expands
reaching out
reaching out
reaching out
Reaching out for the touch of your heart
And they gently meet in the magic of the air molecules.
Something else bursts forth into existence.
The divine third.
The thing that exists between you and me
They call it God.
Be Silent.
Can you feel me?
Can I feel you?
Are we one?
Can you feel it!?
We touch
And I Recoil.
What is so scary?
This intimacy of heart?
This intimacy of being?
Am I simply afraid to die?
To die to myself?
Am I afraid of a world of infinite possibilities?
Is the freedom to be without structure, without rules really so scary?
Yes and No all at the same time.
It means being real.
And showing my underpants.
So let us take a deep breath
Look into each others eyes
and be silent.
Let's let our hearts touch
without lust
without greed
without past and future.
Let's simply let them caress each other.
We are one
We are one
We are one
And now we are two
Zorya Says:
Dance the Dance
Dance the Dance
Dance the Dance
Whether the wings of your heart are as subtle as a butterfly
or as bold as an eagle
Spread them wide and embrace the dance of love
What else is there...really?
What words will come out unrehearsed
will they reveal my soul
will i be embarrassed
You may see my underpants
and the judgments I try to hide
They say the light the dark no difference
yeah, but who's listening
You will surely see the dark
and the fears
and I will feel ashamed
MY Heart!
Listen to the heart.
My heart has sweetness
it is tender
like the soft flutter of a white moth's wings
The heart
pumping organ of blood
of light
of life
Weaving a million and one light beings
through the layers of my body
Little entities in their own right
sparkles and rainbows...and bubbles
Does that sound right?
Listen to the heart
It feels hard,
like a fist
There is sinew tightening around it
But it moves
It is breaking free
and underneath a softness
like the brush of the night owl's wings
The feathers expands
reaching out
reaching out
reaching out
Reaching out for the touch of your heart
And they gently meet in the magic of the air molecules.
Something else bursts forth into existence.
The divine third.
The thing that exists between you and me
They call it God.
Be Silent.
Can you feel me?
Can I feel you?
Are we one?
Can you feel it!?
We touch
And I Recoil.
What is so scary?
This intimacy of heart?
This intimacy of being?
Am I simply afraid to die?
To die to myself?
Am I afraid of a world of infinite possibilities?
Is the freedom to be without structure, without rules really so scary?
Yes and No all at the same time.
It means being real.
And showing my underpants.
So let us take a deep breath
Look into each others eyes
and be silent.
Let's let our hearts touch
without lust
without greed
without past and future.
Let's simply let them caress each other.
We are one
We are one
We are one
And now we are two
Zorya Says:
Dance the Dance
Dance the Dance
Dance the Dance
Whether the wings of your heart are as subtle as a butterfly
or as bold as an eagle
Spread them wide and embrace the dance of love
What else is there...really?
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